
Welcome to Tutela

The online community for ESL/FSL professionals!

Our focus is on language training for adult newcomers and we are open to current and future ESL/FSL professionals across Canada.

Join us

Membership is free and the benefits are many!

Expand your network

Add peers to your Personal Learning Network and initiate contact with ease

Communicate and collaborate

Connect and share both experiences and goals with members across the country

Stay up to date

Access the latest industry news, jobs and events

Access key resources

Find current teaching, curriculum and program materials all in one place

Increase your knowledge

Participate in webinars, webconferences and goal-oriented groups

Get started today!

If you are a current or future ESL/FSL professional in Canada then this bilingual community is for you.

Meet the team

Given the size of the community, it’s no surprise that there’s a team behind Tutela. You may well have already met some of us either online or at conferences but, as a group, we bring together various complementary skill sets that work to help you get the most out of community – now and in the future.






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